I believe that every student in my class is able to be a successful writer by engaging critically with texts, discovering their own ideas, and practicing the iterative process of writing and revising within collaborative communities of care. My commitment to inclusive pedagogy stems from my own experience as a Black, queer, working-class student who immigrated to the United States as a non-English speaker to attend high school and university. As a result of reflecting on my experiences, feedback from students and colleagues, and continuing education, I have identified three key pillars in my teaching practice: engagement, diversity, and transparency.
The work of creating safe and exciting learning spaces for all identities, inclusive of age, gender, religious or spiritual affiliation, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status, requires a team effort. My day-to-day practice is dedicated to cultivating relationships and partnering with students to create an environment of respect. We build our community of care through collaboration in small and large groups, by actively listening and sharing, and by helping one another with the challenges of writing. In recognizing that students have unequal access to resources, I make all readings available in google drive, offer 1:1 meetings online and in person, and direct students to college wellness support, as needed, with grace and care. By following the same principles by which I create inclusivity in the classroom, my own pedagogy is rooted in a sustained practice of reflection and revision. In this spirit, I encourage students to share feedback on course effectiveness, throughout the term, to foster a class environment that embodies my belief that all students belong, have value, and can contribute positively to the world.